
Justice For Love : Series

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

“Woot! Go Infamy and Fame! Go Chaos and Humanity! Enjoy the honeymooooon~!” I shouted, my hands cupped around my mouth to ensure that my words would carry all the way to them. Infamy and Chaos were both happy to flip me the bird over their shoulders as they wrapped their arms snuggly around their new husbands‘—or was it wives’?—waists. Fame and Humanity batted their newly weds’ hands before waving over their shoulders at me and the rest of the crowd that was cheering them on.

“So, now what?” Justice asked. He was standing next to me, hands in his pockets and way more uncaring than everyone else. Hell, even Destiny and Fate had broken their usually calm and collected routines to shout after the two pairs of newly weds.

“What do you mean what now? They’re going home to screw like rabbits,” I said, still waving after the four.

“Eloquently put, as always, Order,” Destiny laughed.

“Order needs not be eloquent, as long as he has everything in order,” Fate said, resuming his usual cool personality much more quickly than his younger brother.

“Thank you, Fate,” I said, giving him a nod of recognition.

“…I actually meant what do we do now,” Justice said.

“Go home and talk with whoever about how horrible their marriages are going to be, because they’re lucky bastards and we’re envious bastards,” I replied cheerily.

“Are you jealous, Order?” Fate asked, arching an eyebrow as he slid his eyes to me.

“I’m sure you and your brother are,” I returned much too happily, not looking at him. He scowled softly before turning and starting off. Destiny, of course, was quick to follow after his brother, as he always was.

“What was that about?” Justice asked, watching them leave before throwing me a confused look.

“….That was about a step over the line, “ I said softly, my smile vanishing for a second. Quickly, however, my smile returned and I turned to my friend, clinging to him. “Can I stay with you tonight? Pleeeease? I don’t want to disturb my brother and Humanity on their honeymoon. I’ll be good and won’t break anything and—” I started giving away promises like I did every time I desired something from him.

“Yeah, you can stay over,” he said, cutting me off. Though he always seemed upset when I started promising him everything between here and Heaven to get what I wanted out of him, he always said no or just refused to answer when I didn’t throw promises at him.

“Thank you, Justice~!” I sang out. I gave him a peck on the cheek, thrust one of the “bride’s” bouquets—I’d successfully caught them both, mostly because they’d both been aimed right at my head. Apparently, screaming out suggested additions to the vows while the priest was giving them to the to-be-weds wasn’t common or courteous. Especially not if any of the suggested additions in any way related to what went on behind closed doors. ….Anyways, I kissed him on the cheek, forced one of the bouquets into his hands, and dragged him off for a night of bachelorific fun.

“They’re pathetic,” he said softly, leaning on me as we watched the activity of everyone from his bedroom window the following day.

“What makes you say that?” I asked, sliding him a look from the corner of my eyes.

“They’re all criminals. Criminals going about without even knowing they’re committing crimes, only because the crimes aren’t enough to merit punishment,” he growled. I smiled now, unable to help but let out a laugh.

“Oh, Justice, you think everyone is a criminal. As far as you’re concerned, just living is a crime,” I laughed, turning away from the window and standing up now.

“Not true,” he returned quickly. I rolled my eyes, tossing him a look over my shoulder.

“Okay, that was exaggerated, I know. I was just making a point. No need to be so specific. Exaggeration isn’t a crime, even if it should be sometimes,” I said.

“….Actually, I meant that I don’t think you’re a criminal,” he said softly, watching me with unreadable eyes. Really, his eyes were always unreadable. I was good at reading eyes and emotions for the most part. With him, though, I couldn’t tell a damn thing about what he was feeling or thinking ever. That is, of course, why he so often had to correct what I thought he was thinking.

“…Oh. Well, silly, you know everything I do is barely legal,” I said with a laugh.

“Barely legal is still legal,” he said, smiling softly.

“True. But everything I do is most certainly unlawful,” I laughed on, strolling over to his bed and falling onto it.

“I don’t think so. What everyone else does is unlawful. That’s why they’re criminals that don’t commit crimes. You’re not a criminal at all, though,” he said softly. I lifted my head up just enough to peer over at him, frowning with confusion. Where was he going with this? What was even bringing this on?

“….I’m not perfect, Justice. I don’t do anything much different from anyone else. There’s no way you could consider others as unlawful and criminal, yet not consider me that way when I’m just the same as them,” I said.

“If you’re perfect to me, I can easily view things that way,” he said softly.

“….You’re out of order. You’ve got things out of order. Nobody is perfect. That is why there is need for chaos to go with order. That is why there is need for justice to go with crime. Please stop saying things that are not only out of order, but out of line,” I said flatly, laying my head back down. There was nothing for several minutes, and I naturally assumed that he had dropped it as per my request.

Suddenly, though, the bed moved and shifted me as Justice laid his weight on it, carefully leaning over me, his arms stretched out on either side of me to hold himself up. “Have you ever thought, even just once, that it’s not others that are out of order, but that it’s you?” he asked curiously.

I stared up at him, completely stricken with my lack of understanding. I always wished I knew what he was feeling and thinking, but right now I felt that I not only wanted to know, but that I needed to know. This prompted me to question his inquiry with confusion, rather than dispute his inquiry with rage. “What do you mean?” I asked.

“…I think…I often think….that maybe they’re not the ones that are being criminal. …That maybe...just maybe….the one who is the criminal….the one committing unlawful acts….is actually me,” he said softly.

“….What unlawful acts could you possibly be guilty of committing?” I asked softly. I watched his eyes closely, wanting so badly to be able to understand the hazy emotion that was in them. What was he trying to say to me? He was always serious, but he was never deep or pensive. Deep and pensive were exactly what he was being right then, though.

He stared down at me for several minutes, nothing but silence answering my question. Suddenly, he very slowly began to lean down, his lips parting just slightly as he prepared for what was obviously a kiss. I watched him coming closer for a moment or two before closing my eyes and swallowing hard. I would not interrupt or intervene this kiss, but I would not intercept or ignite it, either.

After several moments his lips finally fell all the way, though their target turned out to be my neck, not my own lips. His lips slowly moved across my neck as he put a single finger to my chin to tilt my head back, revealing more skin to him. The soft kisses he laid were so light that I almost couldn’t feel what he was doing. One thing I could certainly feel, though, was his breath on my flesh—kept in check and even, but steamily hot.

“….If…this is a crime…am I not also a criminal…?” I whispered softly after several minutes of straining to feel his mouth work across my neck.

“…You’re a victim. You’re not the one committing the crime, you’re the one the crime is being committed upon,” he whispered, pausing in his actions just long enough to say that.

“Then let me commit a crime upon you,” I whispered. I grabbed his face in my hands, quickly pulling him up and moving for the kiss I had been anticipating and, honestly, really wanting. An instant before our lips touched together, though, there was a knock on the door that made my actions halt.

Not yet releasing Justice’s face, we both looked in the direction of his door. “….Who is it?” I called out, having to work to have my usual happy and light voice.

“It’s Chaos. Humanity kind of freaked out when Infamy was mentioning some…um….bondage-related things. He won’t let me in our room. I need you to come talk him down for me, otherwise I won’t be getting any tonight or any other night for weeks,” called my little brother through the door.

I gave off a groan low enough that he wouldn’t be able to hear it through the door, releasing Justice’s face and pulling my out from under him and off the bed all at once. “Right. Will do. Coming. Right now,” I said. Mostly I was trying to convince myself that I was actually enough of a jackass to abandon Justice in order to help my little brother get some. Of course, it wasn’t like Justice and I were married or anything, whereas Chaos and Humanity were, so they definitely took priority. ….Maybe I was out of order after all.

“See you later, Order,” Justice called after me as I opened the door and moved to leave with my brother. I froze for just an instant, but quickly tossed a wide smile over my shoulder.

“Of course. I’ll be back, if I’m lucky enough to get Humanity to open the door before dawn. If not, I’ll see you around,” I chirped cheerily, tossing a friendly wave over my shoulder. Chaos muttered both a quick hello and goodbye, waving quickly as well before grabbing me by the arm and dragging me off.

Despite not being lucky enough to get Humanity to give himself up before dawn, my first stop the following day was Fate and Destiny’s place, not Justice’s. “I really am sorry about that comment last night. But you started it, so please stop acting like I don’t exist,” I said. I wrapped my arms around Fate’s shoulders and pulled one knee up to my chest as I leaned on him and rested my head on his shoulder, watching him from the corner of my eyes all the while.

“….Did you confess your undying love to him last night, or not?” he asked after an extended silence.

“…..No. We both started this sort-of-confession thing, but….” I trailed off, pouting softly.

“But what?” Fate asked.

“….But my brother interrupted. He needed me to get Humanity to calm down, because Infamy said some sex shit that freaked him out. I only just got him to come out of his room about thirty minutes ago,” I sighed.

“Did you smile when you left him?” Fate asked calmly.

“Humanity?” I asked.

“Justice,” he said.

“Yeah. I would never leave him without a smile,” I said, “….Well, I mean, I almost did, but I smiled when he said goodbye.”

“Did he notice you almost forgot to smile?” he asked.

“I think that’s the reason why he said goodbye at all. Normally I’m the first and last one to say parting words,” I answered lightly.

“….He’s going to be looking for you. He’s probably at your house right now, checking on how things went with Humanity,” Fate said after a few moments of thought.

“….How would you know that? ….I mean, how come you can guess that, but I can’t? You don’t spend half the time with him that I do,” I said, frowning softly.

“….I’m fate. What kind of job would I do if I couldn’t read into a person, even if they are so careful to guard themselves? You’re only order, so while you do have the ability to read people, it’s limited,” Fate replied after a moment. I frowned more and pouted now, not particularly liking that he could read Justice when I couldn’t, even if there was a plausible reason behind it.

“Hmph. I can read you,” I muttered, turning both my pout and my eyes elsewhere. I released him now, deciding to increase my pout level. He didn’t say or do anything for another moment, and then he turned and leaned over to whisper in my ear.

“I know you can read me. And I can read you, too, so I know you’re just trying to make me feel guilty. I believe that you know I won’t be feeling guilty, though. So, why don’t you just go and finish confessing to your beloved, because we both know you’re dying to fling yourself at him,” he whispered. His words weren’t cruel, but they did sting in a way that only truth could.

“….If you can read me so well, you’d know I can’t face him right now. After just up and leaving him, I….” I trailed off now, sighing and turning my head just enough to give Fate a very sorrowful look.

“…I could kiss it better, if you want,” Fate said, a smirk suddenly playing across his face.

“I beg your pardon?” I said, arching an eyebrow. Not the reaction I’d expected from him. Maybe I couldn’t read him so well after all.

“I told you how I “helped” Infamy, yes?” he said, giving off a deep-throated chuckle.

“That only worked because you plotted for Fame to walk in and see that. If Justice is over at my house, you kissing me here isn’t going to solve anything,” I said flatly.

“Where do you think he is going to go after seeing you’re not home? I might add, of course, that he probably has already found that out by now, since we’ve been talking so long,” he said, arching his eyebrow in return now. I stared at him for a beat before quickly turning away to ensure that he couldn’t kiss me.

“No way. I do not need your “help” getting through this. Besides, all you really want is revenge for the comment I made last night after the wedding. You’re evil and cruel and sadistic,” I said none too happily.

“Fate is cruel sometimes, yes. It’s always been that way,” Fate purred, leaning on my back and wrapping his arms around me. He placed a kiss on the back of my neck, and I immediately lost my cool.

“Knock it the fuck off! Nobody touches me weirdly except Justice!” I shouted, quickly prying his hands off of me and shoving him away.

“Why only him~?” Fate purred, immediately pouncing on me again before I could get up and go.

“Because he’s the only one I want to touch me!” I shouted. While I lovingly screamed this out, I was shooting a glare over my shoulder as I again pried him off and pushed him away. “And before you attempt to attack me again, I’ll tell you why I only want him touching me; even though you bloody well know why, I‘m not leaving you another excuse to jump me,” I growled. I paused to glare more and wait to see if he was going to question me, but he just sat there, looking rather suddenly innocent as he smiled at me. “I only want him touching me because he’s the only one I like. So keep your mitts to yourself. Even if you are just screwing around, I don’t like it. If you’re feeling feisty, go grope your brother,” I snapped.

A gasp drew my eyes towards the entranceway hall, my jaw dropping as I spotted Destiny—the one whom had gasped—and Justice. I turned wide eyes quickly back to Fate, narrowing them into a glare “You bastard. You made me blurt all that out on purpose. Using the same ruse twice. How cheap,” I growled.

“Hey, I was just getting my revenge, like you accused me of. That Justice heard your exclamations was the doing of destiny, not fate,” Fate said, holding up his hands in surrender even as his smirk turned into a smile.

“Either way, you’re still a bastard. Now wipe that smirk off your face, or I’ll make other suggestively cruel comments about your relationship with your brother,” I stated flatly. Oddly enough, I wasn’t really feeling so angry suddenly. It was more a kind of annoyance that I’d been duped as easily as Infamy, even when I’d already known the one that had been pulled over on him by the brothers to set him up with his fate and destiny.

“What the Hell is going on here?” Justice asked, cutting in. We all looked at him, each of us wearing a soft frown now.

“Confessions and confusions. Do you desire for me to elaborate?” Fate asked.

“Please do,” Justice said.

“As you may well have noticed, Order loves you. As we all well know, you love him too. However, Order has his order out of order, so, as Fate and Destiny, my brother and I are pushing things in the right direction a little more rapidly than they were moving on their own. Hopefully things will now be able to resolve themselves quickly and neatly,” Fate said. Justice stared at him blankly for a beat before turning his gaze on me.

“Fate and Destiny are pushy bastards that wanted us to hurry up and get it on,” I said flatly.

“Said with your usual eloquence,” Destiny said quite obviously sarcastically.

“I don’t need eloquence when explaining a situation of this sort. I’m going home now. Dealing with pushy fates and nosy destinies has made me tired,” I said, still speaking flatly. I quickly headed for the door, not so much as glancing at any of them. None of them said or did anything, simply letting me go since they didn’t want to make me even more upset. However, halfway home, Justice caught up with me, though I hadn’t noticed when he’d even begun chasing me or that he was chasing me.

“You don’t want to go home,” he said, grabbing my hand to stop me. I withdrew my foot from the step I’d been about to take, tossing him a glance.

“I don’t?” I asked flatly.

“No. You don’t. You want to come stay over at my house until tomorrow. Maybe even until the day after tomorrow,” he said. I stared at him blankly, trying to figure out what made him say this. However, after a few minutes, the reason for him to so blatantly tell me what I wanted was because he was, in fact, trying not to be blatant in telling me that Chaos and Humanity were making up for the wasted first night of the honeymoon, and that they probably would be for awhile..

“….Oh. You’re right. I do want to stay with you for a couple days,” I said, nodding my head in agreement. I didn’t move on my own, but as he started off and tugged on my hand I was quick to follow. It was kind of funny how we seemed to have almost entirely positions and personalities. Then again, it was also kind of sad.

Neither of us said anything else until we arrived at his house and were inside. “So, what do you want to do?” Justice asked, gesturing his arm to show that his entire home was open to me. He still held my hand, seeming to sense that I’d most probably just fall to the floor and fall asleep if he let go. I sighed, glancing upstairs where his room was located. “Sleep?” he asked.

“…I need a shower,” I said softly. My eyes drifted to the door hidden behind the stairs that you wouldn’t know was there if you hadn’t seen it before. I never had quite figured out why the Hell his bathroom was so well hidden. It must’ve been a pain when he had guests over. But, of course, he never really had anyone over aside from me.

“You can shower after you sleep some. You did say you were tired,” he said, offering up a weak smile. Woah. That was different. I didn’t see him smile often. Maybe we really were switching personalities.

On a sudden whim I moved closer, pulling my hand from his and then wrapping my arms around his shoulders and neck in an embrace. I felt him stiffen at the unexpected move. I didn’t have much of an idea of personal space and I usually was overly-friendly, but I’d never been touchy much with him beyond grabbing his hand. He, on the other hand, while hating to have his personal space invaded, was always leaning on and hanging off of me and such things. This was a definite reversal of roles here.

“Take a shower with me,” I said with a soft sigh, pressing the side of my face lightly into his neck as I hugged him. He remained stiff and unresponsive for several beats; but finally, after that, he wrapped his arms around me to return the embrace and pressed the side of his face softly into my hair.

“Alright. A quick shower, and then we’ll lie down for some sleep,” he said softly.

“Thank you,” I said softly.

Roughly half an hour later, he was wondering why our quick shower wasn’t going to quickly. Personally, I felt that it had something to do with how he steadfastly refused to look at me or risk touching me, thusly making it take upwards of five minutes for us to trade places when one or the other wanted under the shower head. Of course, I wasn’t likely to share that opinion with him, since he’d probably tell me it was because I stopped every sixty seconds to ask him some pointless question.

Speaking of which… “Isn’t this criminal?” I asked, pausing in the middle of lathering up my body to look questioningly at my friend.

“Isn’t what criminal?” he asked.

“This. You and me showering together. Is it not something that you consider to be unlawful, even if it isn’t illegal?” I asked.

“….No,” he said slowly. I could tell he wanted to give me a look like “Where the fuck do you come up with these asinine questions?”, but that he still didn’t dare look at me. Disregarding the fact that he thought my questions were dumb, I pressed on.

“How is this not unlawful?” I asked, tilting my head curiously.

“Is it unlawful when a mother bathes with her young child?” he asked simply.

“….I guess not. But I’m not you’re mother, and you’re certainly not mine,” I said.

“It’s….it’s the same premise, though. I’m showering with you only because I fear you would hurt yourself if left on your own. It’s not unlawful,” he said.

“So, as long as there is a good reason for doing something odd or out of sorts, you don’t consider it unlawful?” I asked.

“Well, as long as there’s a justifiable reason, that is correct,” he said.

“What’s the difference?” I asked.

“Good and bad are relative. They’re different for each person. Something that seems like a good reason to a single person or a group of people could seem like a bad or unworthy reason to other people. If a reason is justifiable, though, it’s something that anyone with a bit of logical sense can understand. If you can justify what you’re doing sanely, then I don’t believe it is unlawful,” he explained, sounding as though he felt it was all rather simple.

“But if you act without a justifiable reason, especially knowing that your reason lacks in justification, what you do is unlawful?” I questioned.

“That is how I see things, yes. That is how things seem just to me,” he said, nodding his head.

“Did you not have a justifiable reason for last night, then?” I asked. He stopped washing the shampoo from his hair all at once, opening his eyes wide and turning them to me.

“….What?” he asked.

“Last night you called what you were doing a crime. Was there no good—no justifiable reason for you to have done it? I mean….was it all just on a whim?” I asked, a soft frown coming to my face. He continued to stare at me with abnormally wide eyes as a blush crossed his face. After many minutes he finally tore his eyes away, looking torn between shame and annoyance as he stared down at his feet and returned to washing his hair out.

“Are you unhappy?” he asked, seemingly randomly.

“What?” I asked, my frown deepening at the sudden subject shift.

“….You haven’t smiled even once since I did that, except for when you forced yourself to smile as you left. I’ve never seen you go more than a minute or two without smiling. You always act happy, even if it is just an act. I was just thinking….that I must have upset you very much,” he said slowly and lowly.

Now it was my turn to stare at him for a few moments with eyes wide in surprise. Just as he dared look back at me, a smile broke out on my face and I let out a laugh. “Silly! Of course you didn’t upset me! As a matter of fact…I feel pretty and witty and gay~!” I sang. I widened my smile as he gave me a blank look, either not buying it or not sure what to think. “….Or, well, I at least feel gay,” I added with another laugh. Just to be extra convincing, as I went back to lathering up, I began giggling and humming to myself.

I knew he wasn’t going to buy it, though. It was too obvious that this was just an act. Still, at least it was an act. It was better than continuing to mope and make him think I was too upset to even make believe like I was happy. I didn’t want him to be upset just because I was. There was no need for the both of us to feel depressed, especially when I had no idea why I was even depressed in the first place.

After another half hour, we were cleaned, dried, and ready for bed. Wearing nothing but borrowed running shorts and a likewise borrowed pajama top, I flopped onto his bed, laying spread eagle. “Aaaaah. There is no bed I like better than yours. Even my own is not as comfortable or nice. Of course, maybe that’s just because my bed never has you in it,” I declared happily.

“My bed doesn’t even have me in it right now,” he said. He stood at the foot of the bed, arms crossed across his chest as he watched me continue my charade of happiness. Our roles were back with the ones they belonged with. Things were back in the chaotic order that they always had been in. All was no well, but all was normal again.

“Well, if you’d just come lay by me, it would have you in it,” I said, turning my head in his direction so that he suffered the full force of my forced smile.

“How can I lay by you when you’re taking up the entire bed?” he asked, arching an eyebrow.

“Why, silly, of course by “lay by me” I actually meant “lay on me, just a little off to the side so that you don’t squish me”. I should think you would be able to guess that,” I chirped, wriggling my arms back and forth now like I was making a snow angel.

“Are you calling me fat?” he asked, switching to arching the other eyebrow. My only reply was a soft, musical laugh as he pulled himself onto the bed and crawled over to me, being careful not to crush my still moving arms. Once he’d reached my side, I quickly stopped my wriggling, allowing him to lay down and get comfortable. “….It’s funny…” he said softly after a moment of shifting into a good position.

“What’s funny?” I asked, lifting my head up just so that I could tilt it curiously.

“….That you sleep sideways on the bed,” he said.

“Well, everyone else sleeps properly, so why can’t I be different?” I asked.

“You’re Order. You’re not supposed to be different,” he replied. I stared at him for a beat, my smile slowly beginning to turn down into a frown. All at once I withdrew my limbs, pulling myself around to be laying the right way and quickly getting comfortable again. Justice immediately sat up, frowning at my shift of positions. “What are you doing?” he asked.

“Being normal,” I said.

“What? Why?” he asked, looking rather perplexed.

“You just said I’m not supposed to be different. There is no justifiable reason for me to be different, so it would be unlawful of me to sleep like that,” I stated flatly.

“I—that’s not true,” he said. I glanced at him now, my frown deepening.

“How is that untrue?” I asked.

“You already gave me the justifiable reason for you to act different. You don’t want to be the same as everyone else. Whether or not that’s a good reason or a bad reason, it’s still a justifiable reason. You don’t have to be normal. I was just pointing out that you weren’t because I found it funny that you aren’t the most ordinary or orderly sleeper,” he explained quickly.

I sat up as well now, staring at him thoughtfully for many minutes. “….If I ask you a question and give a justifiable reason for wanting the answer, would it be unlawful of you to not answer me?” I asked. I could see him tense up as he easily guessed just what question I had in mind.

“….Uh….yes….it would be unlawful of me to not answer. Criminal, even,” he answered, nodding his head slowly. I watched him for another few minutes now, wondering just how badly I wanted to have him answer my question. It was obvious, though….I wanted it more than I wanted anything else. More than I wanted to believe he loved me, I wanted to know whether or not he truly did love me. It probably wasn’t as justifiable a reason as I felt it was, but it was certainly not unlawful. Anyone would want to know if somebody that they thought loved them truly did…especially if they loved that person.

“….Last night…what you did….was there no justifiable reason for what you did? ….I want to know…I want to know very badly….because I definitely have lost all sense of justifiability myself by…falling in love with you. I…don’t honestly know if loving you makes me more or less able to justify things than before, but…I feel that if you do something because you love somebody, that that’s a very justifiable reason for doing what you did…” I said softly.

I lowered my eyes, a soft blush burning at my cheeks as I fidgeted nervously, fiddling with the hem of my pajama top. There was nothing from either of us for several moments following my nervous question. I was beginning to fear that he wasn’t going to answer when he suddenly was in my face, stilling my hands with one of his and gentling cupping and tilting my head up with his other hand.

“…I don’t…I don’t have the faintest idea about the justifiability of actions done because of love. In all honesty, I’ve lost my ability to justify things I want to do or say to you. I have no idea if any of the urges I have are criminal or not. All I know is that if these wants are unlawful, that I’ll gladly take any punishment dealt out if I can fulfill them just once,” he whispered.

“….If this love is unlawful….will you let me be your partner-in-crime?” I asked, my soft blush spreading fast.

“There is no justifiable reason for me not to, so that must mean that it’s perfectly alright for me to say yes,” he murmured, the corners of his mouth twitching up in a sly smile before he put his lips to mine in a kiss.

“It’s lawful to be unlawful together. That’s certainly a skewed view of what is just and what is not,” I laughed softly through the kiss.

“I can’t help it. I told you that I lost my ability to justify anything when I fell in love with you,” he said, laughing softly as well and accidentally breaking off the kiss.

“You can’t pin the blame on me,” I growled playfully.

“No. Guess not. I can pin you, though. As a matter of fact, I do believe it would be criminal of me not to do that right now when I have the perfect opportunity to,” he purred even as he pressed me down onto the bed.

“Oh…my. ….Justifiably or unjustifiably…..lawfully or unlawfully….I love you,” I whispered softly, nuzzling his neck and face as I tried to earn another kiss.

“I love you, too,” he whispered back. The moment after those words passed over his lips, those same lips met mine again in the kiss that I desired. There was a knock at the door, but it went ignored. Things were definitely in order now.
Uh...mentioned the wedding only slightly. Sorry for that. Hm...switched from ration to justice for this. Justifiability just worked better than rationality.

Story installments, in order...
The InFamous || Chaos Preferred || Justice For Love || Importance of Peace || Acceptance With Time

Character Profiles
Name: Justice.
Position: Seke.
Gender: Male.
Race: Immortal Being.
Age: 27.
Eyes: Golden.
Hair: Shoulder length, slightly spikey, slightly messy, blackish-brown.
Build: 5' 11", muscular, deeply tanned.
Other: None.

Name: Order.
Position: Seke.
Gender: Male.
Race: Immortal Being.
Age: 27.
Eyes: Light sky blue.
Hair: Not quite shoulder length, straight and silky, extremely pale pink.
Build: 5' 10", muscular, slightly tanned.
Other: None.

Story, characters, and everything else © Me
© 2008 - 2024 KillMePleaseGod
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Soleste81's avatar
so i guess i have my answer now as to why humanity didn't end up as a chaos and order sandwich... but damn! far too much love to be bottled up!

and my view of Fate at the moment is that he is a devious bastard who needs to get his own sexual affairs in order! and yeah... fate in and of itself is devious and cruel and evil... So Fate just adds some pervy to it :)